ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems.
- ISSTA 2024, Vienna, Austria
Chairs: Maria Christakis, Michael Pradel
- ISSTA 2025, Trondheim, Norway
Chairs: Mike Papadakis, Myra Cohen, Paolo Tonella
- ISSTA 2023, Seattle, WA, USA
Chairs: René Just, Gordon Fraser
- ISSTA 2022, Online
Chairs: Sukyoung Ryu, Yannis Smaragdakis
- ISSTA 2021, Online
Chairs: Cristian Cadar, Xiangyu Zhang
- ISSTA 2020, Online
Chairs: Sarfraz Khurshid, Corina S. Pasareanu
- ISSTA 2019, Beijing, China
Chairs: Dongmei Zhang, Anders Møller
- ISSTA 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chairs: Frank Tip, Eric Bodden
- ISSTA 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Chairs: Tevfik Bultan, Koushik Sen
- ISSTA 2016, Saarbrücken, Germany
Chairs: Andreas Zeller, Abhik Roychoudhury
- ISSTA 2015, Baltimore, MD, USA
Chairs: Michal Young, Tao Xie
- ISSTA 2014, San Jose, CA, USA
Chairs: Corina S. Pasareanu, Darko Marinov
- ISSTA 2013, Lugano, Switzerland
Chairs: Mauro Pezzè, Mark Harman
- ISSTA 2012, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Chairs: Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Zhendong Su
- ISSTA 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada
Chairs: Matthew B. Dwyer, Frank Tip
- ISSTA 2010, Trento, Italy
Chairs: Paolo Tonella, Alessandro Orso
- ISSTA 2009, Chicago, IL, USA
Chairs: Gregg Rothermel, Laura K. Dillon
- ISSTA 2008, Seattle, WA, USA
Chairs: Barbara G. Ryder, Andreas Zeller
- ISSTA 2007, London, UK
Chairs: David S. Rosenblum, Sebastian G. Elbaum
- ISSTA 2006, Portland, ME, USA
Chairs: Lori L. Pollock, Mauro Pezzè
- ISSTA 2004, Boston, MA, USA
Chairs: George S. Avrunin, Gregg Rothermel
- ISSTA 2002, Rome, Italy
Chairs: Antonia Bertolino, Phyllis G. Frankl
- ISSTA 2000, Portland, OR, USA
Chairs: Debra J. Richardson, Mary Jean Harold
- ISSTA 1998, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA
Chairs: Mary Lou Soffa, Michal Young, Will Tracz
- ISSTA 1996, San Diego, CA, USA
Chairs: Steve J. Zeil, Will Tracz
- ISSTA 1994, Seattle, WA, USA
Chairs: Thomas J. Ostrand
- ISSTA 1993, Cambridge, MA, USA
Chairs: Thomas J. Ostrand, Elaine J. Weyuker
Chair: Sukyoung Ryu
Vice-chair: Rene Just
- Maria Christakis (until 2029)
- Michael Pradel (until 2029)
- Rene Just (until 2028)
- Gordon Fraser (until 2028)
- Sukyoung Ryu (until 2027)
- Yannis Smaragdakis (until 2027)
- Cristian Cadar (until 2026)
- Xiangyu Zhang (until 2026)
- Sarfraz Khurshid (until 2025)
- Corina Pasareanu (until 2025)
- Dongmei Zhang (until 2024)
- Anders Moller (until 2024)
- Tevfik Bultan (until 2024)
- Koushik Sen (until 2024)
The ISSTA Impact Paper Award in year X is awarded to only one paper annually, published in ISSTA X-10, which has had a significant influence on the research and/or practice of software testing and analysis
- 2023: Ding Li, Shuai Hao, William G.J. Halfond, Ramesh Govindan. Calculating source line level energy information for Android applications (published in ISSTA 2013)
- 2022: Jaco Geldenhuys, Matthew B. Dwyer, Willem Visser. Probabilistic symbolic execution (published in ISSTA 2012)
- 2021: Chris Parnin and Alessandro Orso. Are automated debugging techniques actually helping programmers? (published in ISSTA 2011)
- 2020: Gordon Fraser and Andreas Zeller. Mutation-driven generation of unit tests and oracles (published in ISSTA 2010)
- 2019: Adam Kiezun, Vijay Ganesh, Philip J. Guo, Pieter Hooimeijer, Michael D. Ernst. HAMPI: a solver for string constraints (published in ISSTA 2009)
- 2018: Matthew M. Papi, Mahmood Ali, Telmo Luis Correa Jr., Jeff H. Perkins, Michael D. Ernst. Practical Pluggable Types for Java (published in ISSTA 2008)
- 2017: James Clause, Wanchun Li, Alessandro Orso. Dytan: a generic dynamic taint analysis framework (published in ISSTA 2007)
Retrospective paper awards were only given between 2018 and 2020. They are awarded to papers published at ISSTA more than 10 years before the award which have had a significant influence of the research and/or practice of software testing and analysis.